Thursday, June 1, 2017

Moving Day for My Tiny Perch

There are many days in a tiny houses's life that are stressful, but dare I say none of them hold a candle to the potentially catastrophic results of moving one down the freeway, at 50 mph.

Yes, I have done all I can to ensure the house can withstand a hurricane AND and earthquake simultaneously; aka the forces that a tiny house is exposed to while on the road.

And, yes, I have had it inspected and re-inspected and inspected again for safety and stability.

But, I can only imagine, even the most seasoned of house builders has a little bit of nervous energy when they move theirs.

To make a long story short, I am thrilled that there was NO drama and everything went VERY smoothly, despite the 170 miles we needed to travel.

And, I am super excited to announce that my risk to buy a recycled RV trailer paid off.  My Tiny Perch only weighs 5440 lbs on a certified scale.  Whew!  What a relief!!

Almost ready to go!

Admiring her, from behind.

Closing up the front window so rocks won't break it.

My Tiny Perch looks sooooo tiny when on the road.

Stopping for a quick driver break.  

Underpasses are particularly nerve wracking but not as much so with only a 12 1/4 ft height.

The final few feet, lifting branches while traversing the driveway.